Our Mission

We want to be the best Data Pipeline solution in the world

We have experienced your frustrations when struggling with data projects, upgrading legacy estates or doing digital transformations. We have witnessed millions written off by businesses when the management’s patience and funds finally ran out, often years after they had been started. 

We see it happening across all organisations, without exception. Everyone has got a similar story to tell.

It’s no wonder the management dread it when deciding to undertake digital transformation projects or upgrading legacy systems especially. They know the costs will be high, delivery slow and likely fail. And they are not wrong, unfortunately. 

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We are well into the 21st century but why are we still depending on the ancient practices and tools?

In every single instance, we observed the biggest failure was the inability to easily obtain, transform and manage data across multiple business areas and various systems. Especially so when we started to work with Big Data, static and streaming.

If the business ever got past the scoping phases, the effort often stumbled due to the amount of time and resources it took to deliver stable solutions by the IT. And in response, the business would go and develop own bespoke solutions, in isolation from the central IT strategy, creating perfect silos.

Why do we keep doing this to ourselves?

Then, by the time the dataflows were eventually developed, warehouses set up and data governance properly coded, the world had moved on and the priorities changed.

New and better apps or systems would appear, new people would join the organisation, and the business would naturally want to keep up with the times. Yet this meant scrapping most of the original work and starting from scratch with a new technology stack. All over again.

We have experienced numerous data initiatives start and fail like this.

One day we decided we had had enough. We had to do something about that.


What are the absolute essentials the product must do?

For one, you should be able to run, manage and upgrade your own data estate easily, regardless of the tech stacks employed. Any application, any industry, any type, quality or quantity of data on any environment, static or streaming.

Next, enable all data users (data analysts, data scientists, etc.) to perform no-code/low code advanced data engineering tasks. That way, you get all your data citizens working in sync, not in silos.

Finally, absolutely comfortable in the knowledge that all your data is automatically and properly looked after. Every dataflow you create is production grade from the moment you click “run”.

You should be able to work with your data as suits you best, whatever the business requirement at however short a timescale. And it must be easy, cost-effective, and transparent to do.

You should be able to obtain, transform and deposit any data in your organisation very quickly and reliably, code-free. Do not spend months coding custom solutions in exotic languages while trying to orchestrate a myriad of third party apps and systems to produce a new production dataflow feeds. 

Gather and reuse your experience and data assets, so that new initiatives don’t have to start from scratch. Your data estate is at the heart of your organisation – you should be using it, not fighting it.

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Easily managing your data across any environment should be the norm.

Want to upgrade to a Cloud or change Cloud providers on the fly? No problem.

Need to have multiple clouds and on-prem environments working in harmony at the same time? Sure thing.

Decided to upgrade your legacy systems but don’t want to spend a fortune? Yup, totally doable.

Add new and decommission old systems without fear. Transform and flow your data from anywhere to anywhere in real time. Do as many data projects as you like, whenever you like, simply and efficiently.

The solution must be based on the most powerful technology of the time but future-proofed  so it lasts.

That’s what we set out to do.

Working with reliable data fast is paramount for the success of any modern organisation. 

With IOblend, we give your organisation the power to make the full use of your data estate. 

Evolve and manage it the way that suits your needs, add and remove new apps and systems, and create new ways to propel your business to bigger fortunes. Do it as a team, simply, securely, and cost-effectively.

We do Data Engineering and Data Management better and cheaper than anyone else.

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Our Journey

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IOblend’s founders have been building and managing complex business intelligence initiatives for a couple of decades now. Our collective experiences exhibit the same data engineering and data management challenges: high cost, complexity and time taken to build and manage the dataflows for such projects – the fundamental part of any data estate. Dataflows are what connect all digital data systems together. No dataflows – no usable data and no data estate.

With the advent of Big Data, AI and IoT, requirement to process data in real-time and hybrid cloud production environments, made data engineering and management even more complicated and expensive.

Over the past few years, our founders have passionately focussed on simplifying how organisations build, fast, efficient, and cost-effective dataflows for enterprise level data initiatives, using the latest in-memory parallel processing frameworks like Apache Spark™.

This work has culminated in the creation of a unique software product that dramatically simplifies how data estates are built and maintained.

IOblend is already being used in a number of projects with great success, upgrading legacy data estates and reducing costs and project delivery timescales by months. You can now experience the full power of DataOps with IOblend. See how quickly you can get on top of your data estate!

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