Data Integration

Enhance your airline’s analytics with a data mesh

Building a flying program In the last blog, I have covered how airlines plan their route networks using various strategies, data sources and analytical tools. Today, we will be covering how the network plan comes to life. Once the plans are developed, they are handed over to “production”. Putting a network plan into production is […]

Enhance your airline’s analytics with a data mesh Read More »

Planning an airline’s route network with deep data insights

What makes an airline Commercial airlines are complex beasts. They comprise of multiple intertwined (and siloed!) functions that make the business work. As passengers, we see a “tip of the iceberg” when we fly. A lot of work goes into making that flight happen, which starts well in advance. Let’s distil the complexity into something

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Flying smarter with real-time analytics

Dynamic decisioning We continue exploring the topics of operational analytics (OA) in the aviation industry. Data plays a crucial role in flight performance analytics, operational decisioning and risk management. Real-time data enhances them. The aviation industry uses real-time data for a multitude of operational analytics cases: monitor operational systems, measure wear and tear of equipment,

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